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Gratis Bücher The Great War of Our Time: The CIA's Fight Against Terrorism--From al Qa'ida to ISIS, by Bill Harlow

Gratis Bücher The Great War of Our Time: The CIA's Fight Against Terrorism--From al Qa'ida to ISIS, by Bill Harlow

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The Great War of Our Time: The CIA's Fight Against Terrorism--From al Qa'ida to ISIS, by Bill Harlow

The Great War of Our Time: The CIA's Fight Against Terrorism--From al Qa'ida to ISIS, by Bill Harlow

The Great War of Our Time: The CIA's Fight Against Terrorism--From al Qa'ida to ISIS, by Bill Harlow

Gratis Bücher The Great War of Our Time: The CIA's Fight Against Terrorism--From al Qa'ida to ISIS, by Bill Harlow

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The Great War of Our Time: The CIA's Fight Against Terrorism--From al Qa'ida to ISIS, by Bill Harlow


"An insider's view...[and] a good addition, particularly for those of us not in the "circle of knowledge."―Los Angeles Times "There are few truly 'must read' books out there, but along with Lawrence Wright's The Looming Tower, Morell's new THE GREAT WAR OF OUR TIME is one of them. Combine Wright's and Morell's books and you have a history of the rise of Islamist fanaticism vis-a-vis the United States from the end of World War II to the present. Everyone running for president should read both books...This is not a book for partisans (Presidents Bush and Obama both come in for praise and criticism) but one for future decision makers. It is also one for political writers."―Hugh Hewitt, Washington Examiner"[THE GREAT WAR OF OUR TIME] sheds new light on U.S. controversies."―Yahoo!"More than almost anyone else alive, Michael Morell knows the secrets of U.S. national security. Over the past two decades, the former deputy director of the CIA has played a central role in the nation's biggest counterterrorism events, starting with the response to 9/11. In his new book, THE GREAT WAR OF OUR TIME, he draws on this experience to deliver warnings for the future."―Michael Hirsh, Politico"Fascinating new book..."―Sean Hannity, Fox News"THE GREATWAR OF OUR TIME should be required reading for everyone. Mike [Morell] was in the room for some of our most important military decisions over the past two decades, and if you want an honest reflection on terrorism and what the USA is doing about it, buy this book."―WGN Radio"THE GREAT WAR OF OUR TIME...offers a rich haul of gossipy insider details... But the book also makes many strong and unsettling claims: that the Arab Spring helped Islamic extremism flourish, that the Edward Snowden revelations directly aided ISIS, that the use of enhanced interrogation techniques such as waterboarding yielded essential intelligence, and that the hijacking of a transatlantic flight remains well within the capacities of Al Qaeda.... Ultimately he presents a persuasive and powerful case that without substantial financial and political investment in disrupting international terrorism, most of these future threats are not simply possible but inevitable."―Christian Science Monitor"Morell has written a riveting and important memoir of the CIA's participation in these events, which offers an admirable amount of self-criticism (alongside some cheerleading), as well as a rare glimpse into the daily life and mindset of someone at the top of the spy game."―National Review"Insightful.....Readers are given an inside look and riveting account of the hours after the 9/11 attacks when he was with President George W. Bush as the president received news of the attacks. Morell was a witness to history at that moment and describes those events in admirable detail."―Washington Free Beacon "THE GREAT WAR OF OUR TIME is both fascinating and revealing. It is also extremely sobering."―

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Michael Morell, the recently retired Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, is one of the country's most prominent national security professionals, with extensive experience in intelligence and foreign policy. Bill Harlow is a writer, consultant and public relations specialist. He spent seven years as the top spokesman for the Central Intelligence Agency. He co-authored George Tenet's #1 New York Times bestseller At the Center of the Storm.


Taschenbuch: 384 Seiten

Verlag: Twelve (12. Mai 2015)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 145559055X

ISBN-13: 978-1455590551

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,2 x 3,2 x 22,9 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

3.5 von 5 Sternen

2 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 341.099 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Ich bin auf das Buch durch ein Interview mit Michael Morell bei VICE aufmerksam geworden, in dem er sich für die Fehler der CIA bei der Zusammenstellung der Informationen zu Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak entschuldigt hat. Das Buch beleuchtet sehr nachvollziehbar und aus einer CIA-internen Perspektive, wie es zu diesen massiven Fehlentscheidungen kommen konnte. Doch hier liegt auch das Problem: So aufrichtig Herr Morell auch versucht aufzutreten, gibt es zweifellos Informationen, die er uns vorenthält, sei es weil sie noch vertraulich sind oder er den Ruf der Organisation schützen will. Verständlicherweise gibt Morell nicht zu, dass die "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques" Folter sind, da er sonst die Agenten unter seiner Obhut illegaler Methoden bezichtigen würde. Eine allzu kritische Analyse der Organisation darf man allerdings nicht erwarten. Nichtsdestotrotz ist das Buch unglaublich unterhaltsam zu lesen und bietet auch interessante Einsichten in die Entwicklungen in Zentralasien und dem Nahen Osten während der letzten Jahre. Insbesondere das Kapitel zur Jagd auf Bin Laden hat mich sehr gefesselt.

The final chapter is annoying and goes beyond the topic the author has in mind. Basically Morell sticks to the same set of innuendos that had been mentioned at the time he was interviewed by Charlie Rose.

This was a very even handed book full of valuable insights on the war on terror. Mr Morell comes across as an even handed proffessional CIA officer, utterly dedicated to our country and a first hand witness to many important events, decisions and programs which have shaped the war on terror. He was President Bush's daily briefer for the first year of his term, and was in fact the briefer on Aug 6 date of the famous PDB that democrats want you to believe should have prevented 9-11 if only Bush would have taken it seriously. In point of fact the memo on that day had almost zero intelligence value in regards to what , when and where and was instead a general declaration that AQ wanted to attack us. Yeah no s*** Sherlock.Morell addresses the failure of the intell community to understand the nature of the WMD situation in the run up to the Iraq war. He has a great chapter on how the intelligence which help locate OBL was developed and how President Obama managed the process which lead to the decision to conduct the Abottobad raid.He also has a chapter on the Senate report about the CIA detention and interrogation program. He really rips the report for inaccuracies, leaps of logic, not well thought out conclusions, and bias. He believes the staffers who wrote the report , wrote what they thought their bosses (democrat Senators) wanted to conclude rather than where the evidence should have lead them. He enumerates many errors of fact, errors of logic and errors of context rife througout the report. He asks and attempts to answer 4 questions about the Enhanced Interrogation Tactics (EITs ) used by the CIA on a limited number of prisoners. Was it legal or was it torture? Was it necessary or not? Was it effective? Was it the right thing to do or not? Reading this chapter gives the reader a better understanding of the whole issue than the deeply flawed Senate report ever could.In a chapter that liberals will run with , he recounts the history of the Benghazi attack and lays to rest in my mind the idea that the CIA colluded with the political side of the Obama operation to make it seem like the video was the cause of the attack when at the time of the attack the CIA believed differently. In point of fact the CIA initially believed that the series of attacks in Benghazi that night (there were 3) were not heavily preplanned and that the intitial demonstration was influenced by earlier embassy breach in Cairo which was a result of the video. Although the CIA now believes that elements of the Benghazi attack was a planned terror event, it's probably time for republicans to stop the investigations of Benghazi - there is no there there.I like this book and I like the author. He's no idealogue, I would have no idea whether he is a democrat or republican. He admired both Bush and Obama. In short he's dedicated public service that the country was lucky to have working for us keeping us safe.

Mike Morell in The Great War of our Time Fighting Terrorism from Al-Qaeda to ISIS offers his reflections on his time as a high level intelligence official for the CIA. These types of books are so hard to rate because while readers of one political persuasion will read this book and think Mike Morell Great Guy, while the other side will call him a rationalizer who is out to justify the failings of his own agency on 9-11 and other events. Not everything is so cut and dry. Mike Morrell is making his recollection of events in this book, his credibility and reasons should be read and evaluated by the individual reader. How do I say “Your recollections are wrong”? Last time I checked I was not presidential briefer on 9-11 or later Deputy Director of the CIA.Where I will couch my criticism is that while the information about meetings and events is interesting, I am not sure that we learn terribly much new or get beyond a surface treatment of the big issues until about the midway point (page 150 or so). I don’t think we are stretching for George Bush is a nice guy or Leon Panetta is boisterous, all that can be gleamed from other sources like interviews. Where the book picks up is the Bin Laden raid, Ben Ghazi, War on Terror tactics, etc. This is where Mike Morell is his most forceful and impassioned. If only the book had started out with that level of force.A good piece of political/autobiographical work

The potential reader of this book should be aware that it probably represents the official, unclassified history of CIA’s counter-terrorism operations from 1998 to 2014. Mike Morell, the books principal author, is a veteran of CIA’s Directorate of Intelligence. He also was part of the senior CIA hierarchy during most of this period. So this book really represents the “war on terror” as seen from a CIA management perspective. This means the book is more big picture than detailed oriented and that it often strives to protect CIA’s institutional image. For this reason Morell is at pains to fuzz over the many controversial issues and events that have plagued CIA during this period such as Iraqi WMD Programs, enhanced interrogations (AKA torture), and the tragedy at Fort Chapman (Khost). Still it is quite an interesting book that shows (sometimes if you read between the lines) how the inner mechanisms of CIA management actually work.Also the book does provide significant insights such as Morell’s clear and plausible account of the tragic events that occurred in Benghazi (Libya). Since this event is still been thrashed about in the U.S. Congress, Morell’s version is quite relevant. So his disgraceful treatment at the hands of congressmen who clearly let their of hatred of the Obama administration override their judgment and in some cases their rationality.The most significant chapter of this book actually does not have to do with history, but with the future (Chapter 13, “The Long War Ahead”). In it Morell offers his informed assessment of the threat posed by Islamic Extremism in the form of al Qaeda, ISIS (ISIL), Boko Haram, and similar groups. In this chapter he provides the information on these groups sufficient for the U.S. and its allies to develop a real counter terrorist strategy.This book is well worth purchasing and pondering.

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The Great War of Our Time: The CIA's Fight Against Terrorism--From al Qa'ida to ISIS, by Bill Harlow PDF

The Great War of Our Time: The CIA's Fight Against Terrorism--From al Qa'ida to ISIS, by Bill Harlow PDF
The Great War of Our Time: The CIA's Fight Against Terrorism--From al Qa'ida to ISIS, by Bill Harlow PDF

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